presented by idol scheduler




※対象期間:2020/4/4 12:00~2020/4/30 23:59迄





Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/idol-scheduler/www/nageco/ in /home/idol-scheduler/pear/php/HTML/AJAX.php on line 582

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/idol-scheduler/www/nageco/ in /home/idol-scheduler/pear/php/HTML/AJAX.php on line 582

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/idol-scheduler/www/nageco/ in /home/idol-scheduler/pear/php/HTML/AJAX/Server.php on line 685

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/idol-scheduler/www/nageco/ in /home/idol-scheduler/pear/php/HTML/AJAX/Server.php on line 686
/** * XMLHttpRequest Iframe fallback * * - should work with these * * @category HTML * @package AJAX * @author Elizabeth Smith * @copyright 2005 Elizabeth Smith * @license LGPL */ HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR_instances = new Object(); function HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR() { this._id = 'HAXHR_iframe_' + new Date().getTime(); HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR_instances[this._id] = this; } HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR.prototype = { onreadystatechange: null, // Event handler for an event that fires at every state change readyState: 0, // Object status integer: 0 = uninitialized 1 = loading 2 = loaded 3 = interactive 4 = complete responseText: '', // String version of data returned from server process responseXML: null, // DOM-compatible document object of data returned from server process status: 0, // Numeric code returned by server, such as 404 for "Not Found" or 200 for "OK" statusText: '', // String message accompanying the status code iframe: true, // flag for iframe _id: null, // iframe id, unique to object(hopefully) _url: null, // url sent by open _method: null, // get or post _async: null, // sync or async sent by open _headers: new Object(), //request headers to send, actually sent as form vars _response: new Object(), //response headers received _phpclass: null, //class to send _phpmethod: null, //method to send _history: null, // opera has to have history munging abort: function() { var iframe = document.getElementById(this._id); if (iframe) { document.body.removeChild(iframe); } if (this._timeout) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeout); } this.readyState = 1; if (typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } }, getAllResponseHeaders: function() { var string = ''; for (i in this._response) { string += i + ' : ' + this._response[i] + "\n"; } return string; }, getResponseHeader: function(header) { return (this._response[header] ? this._response[header] : null); }, setRequestHeader: function(label, value) { this._headers[label] = value; return; }, open: function(method, url, async, username, password) { if (!document.body) { throw('CANNOT_OPEN_SEND_IN_DOCUMENT_HEAD'); } if (!method || !url) { throw('NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS:METHOD_URL_REQUIRED'); } this._method = (method.toUpperCase() == 'POST' ? 'POST' : 'GET'); this._decodeUrl(url); this._async = async; if(!this._async && document.readyState && !window.opera) { throw('IE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_SYNC_WITH_IFRAMEXHR'); } this.readyState = 1; if(typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } }, send: function(content) { if (window.opera) { this._history = window.history.length; } var form = '
'; form += ''; if (this._phpclass != null) { form += ''; } if (this._phpmethod != null) { form += ''; } for (label in this._headers) { form += ''; } form += ''; if (content != null && content.length > 0) { form += ''; } form += ''; form += 'document.forms[0].submit();
'; form = "javascript:document.write('" + form.replace(/\'/g,"\\'") + "');void(0);"; this.readyState = 2; if (typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } try { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = this._id; = 'hidden'; = '0'; = '0'; = '0'; if (document.all) { iframe.src = form; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } else { document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = form; } } catch(exception) { var html = ''; document.body.innerHTML += html; } if (this._async == true) { if (this.readyState < 3) { this.readyState = 3; if(typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } } } else { while (this.readyState != 4) { if (this.readyState < 3) { this.readyState = 3; if(typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } } } } }, isLoaded: function(headers, data) { this.readyState = 4; this.status = 200; this.statusText = 'OK'; this.responseText = data; this._response = headers; if (!this._response['Last-Modified']) { string += 'Last-Modified : ' + document.getElementById(this._id).lastModified + "\n"; } if (!this._response['Content-Type']) { string += 'Content-Type : ' + document.getElementById(this._id).contentType + "\n"; } if (this._response['Content-Type'] == 'application/xml') { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.responseText, 'application/xml'); } if (window.opera && window.opera.version) { window.history.go(this._history - window.history.length); } if (typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById(this._id)); }, _decodeUrl: function(querystring) { var url = unescape(location.href); url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); var item = querystring.split('?'); this._url = url + item[0].substring(item[0].lastIndexOf("/") + 1,item[0].length); if(item[1]) { item = item[1].split('&'); for (i in item) { var v = item[i].split('='); if (v[0] == 'c') { this._phpclass = v[1]; } else if (v[0] == 'm') { this._phpmethod = v[1]; } } } if (!this._phpclass || !this._phpmethod) { var cloc = window.location.href; this._url = cloc + (cloc.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'px=' + escape(HTML_AJAX_Util.absoluteURL(querystring)); } } }
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/idol-scheduler/www/nageco/ in /home/idol-scheduler/pear/php/HTML/AJAX/Server.php on line 685

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/idol-scheduler/www/nageco/ in /home/idol-scheduler/pear/php/HTML/AJAX/Server.php on line 686